Arcane Marketing Public Announcement About CoronaVirus Situation

  If you have any questions or comments, we encourage you to contact us by calling (208) 938-5988 -or- fill out a quick contact form here.   ———- To Our Valued Clients, Like so many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the CoronaVirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our world. For Arcane Marketing, that means understanding how it affects our employees, clients, communities, and then making the necessary adjustments to our work and operations. We have a simple direction that is moving us during this time: keeping you, our clients moving on the right path (for growth), and our employees safe. This has been at the center of our conversations over the last few days. With that in mind, we have made several moves in our business in response to the threat of the CoronaVirus. We have ramped up cleaning services at our offices and are adding hand sanitizer at the front entrances and around the office. Sanitizing wipes are near workstations and counters so that employees can keep them continuously cleaned. Additionally, we’ve added new cleaning protocols and increased the frequency we do deep cleans. We’re watching the news and preparing for any situation that arises. As our local school districts, legislative leaders, and religious leaders dictate, we are ready to work remotely when these facilities recommend not gathering and being at home, safe. The beautiful aspect of our business is that we can work from just about any location, whether in the office or at home. It’s important to stress that there will not be delays in our deliverables due to this situation. We are closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the CoronaVirus (and hopefully most other shared viruses, bacteria, or illnesses). We have shared specific instructions with our employees on the importance of washing their hands and staying home if they feel sick or are returning from an area identified as posing a CoronaVirus-related risk. Thankfully, momentarily, our risk in Idaho is quite low.

Our Recommendations and Preventative Measures Include:

    • Use an overabundance of caution in your interactions and day-to-day activities.
    • Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or clean them with an alcohol-based hand rub.
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick (this may include avoiding shaking hands or other customary greetings).
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • If you exhibit any symptoms; stay home when you are sick.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    • Maintain at least 3 feet (one meter) distance between yourself and everyone else.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a disinfectant cleaning spray or bleach wipe.
What this should mean to you, as our client, or as the public viewing our company, is that during this situation, Arcane Marketing will be fully operational and hard at work. We are fully staffed to continue working on SEO, Paid Search Management, Social Media Advertising, Videography, and Website Development. There will not be slack in work, deadlines missed, or a chance for us to fall behind on our digital marketing strategies. While this might not apply to all of you since we have served so many clients throughout the United States; if you don’t feel well, or choose not to visit our office, we understand. As always we are ready to serve you digitally, via email, or on the phone and video communications. It’s important to note that Arcane Marketing has been around in the digital marketing world long enough that we’ve seen several situations that have lead to fear in the economy. We’ve weathered through these situations quite successfully and have found that those companies/clients who take advantage of marketing strategies during these times are those that benefit the most. We’ve guided many of our clients to success and an increase in revenue during these times. The biggest reason for this is because most of your competitors allow fear to set in and they pull back on their marketing budgets. This is quite an opportune time to actually take additional market-share in your industry. We encourage you to reach out and speak with us about some specific marketing strategies we are finding to show very strong results. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and do all we can to protect you, continue to grow your company digitally, and keep our employees safe. Again, you are valued and we are honored to serve you. Thank you! Get in touch with us easily by clicking here
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