If you are using GoDaddy’s cPanel hosting for your WordPress website and you have installed the Gravity Forms plugin because it’s just one of the easiest to use form builders and definitely one of the coolest tools in the world, you have probably found yourself in a complete hair pulling rage when your form submissions were not being delivered to your inbox. IT IS FREAKING INFURIATING!!! You know how powerful Gravity Forms can be but for some reason it doesn’t work with GoDaddy’s frustrating servers. You just want it to work! So then you undoubtedly went in search of a solution and found blog posts and resources such as THIS, THIS, and THIS. Are you frustrated yet? So was I. So, I spent the better part of a perfectly good work day to get to the bottom of my particular problem. First, I downloaded and uploaded SMTP plugins (which I didn’t want to do. I don’t want to have to rely on yet another plugin just to send emails!!!). Next, I uninstalled and reinstalled Gravity Forms. Then I deactivated and reactivated plugins in fruitless troubleshooting ventures. And, I sent countless form submissions for testing. I also scoured my cPanel for ideas and played around with settings until my fingers went numb. And then I figured it out.
In the MX Entry setting, you need to select the domain your website (with Gravity Forms) is on and then select REMOTE MAIL EXCHANGER.
Next, in the Default Address setting, you need to select the domain your website (with Gravity Forms) is on and select the FORWARD to EMAIL ADDRESS option and put your email address there.
After I did this, it took about 2 hours before GoDaddy got everything updated and my Gravity Forms began working like it should have. You need to remember to be patient after you’ve made these updates. It will take a little time. Below is the Hangouts on Air video I made of the entire process. Please watch it and it will make life easier. It will walk you through the process step by step. Hopefully this helps to relieve the headache you got trying to figure out how to make Gravity Forms work with GoDaddy hosting.
What you need to do to make Gravity Forms work with GoDaddy
Basically, I had to make a few changes in the cPanel, particularly in the MX Entry and Default Address settings. Also, I am using a gmail account as my primary email account. If you are using another email solution other than gmail, I am unsure if this will work for you, but at least it’s worth a try.