
Client SEO and PPC Intake Form

Client Business Information

In order to create your PPC campaign, we need some information first. Please complete the following form to the best of your ability and as complete as possible. This information is VERY important to us.

"*" indicates required fields

Be as descriptive as you can. The more detail you provide, the better we can do with our set up and organization of your PPC Account.

Business Contact Names*
First Name
Last Name
Examples Might Be: A+ with the BBB, Certifications, or Added Credentials We can use this information to help instill trust with your audience.

PPC History

Any experience or description is helpful


What are some examples of keywords, categories, or topics SHOULD you be found under?*
If people were searching Google for your products/services, what keywords would they use? Feel free to list as many as you feel appropriate.
(Please be more specific than general. Good example: best dentist in Idaho Falls. Bad example: dentist)
Are there any keywords or search terms that you DO NOT want to be found for? (Example: You only sell red widgets and do not want to be found for just “widgets”, “black widgets” or any other color widget)
Ideally, how much do you want to spend on PPC ads each month to start off with?
Ideally, how much do you want to spend on SEO ads each month to start off with?
Ideally, how much do you want to spend on SEO ads each month to start off with?
Are you running any specials or promotions?
What step do you want visitors to take next now that they’ve clicked on your ad?
What is the priority order of the calls-to-action you want visitors to take?
List in order the ways you want people to interact with your website from most important to least.
What makes your business stand out in the industry?

PPC Goals

Industry and Site Information

Top 5 phrases you believe people would search for and you want to have find your business
Categories: if you had to separate your site into various categories, please list below
What are the top 3 reasons people should choose you over your competition? What is your unfair advantage or unique value propositions?
Who is your competition? List your top 5 competitor’s website addresses:
What geographic areas do you believe we should target for your demographic audience? Please elaborate with detail and be specific (Cities, Counties, Zip Codes, etc…)
Assuming that you’re explaining your company to someone in just a few minutes, who has never heard of you before, what would you tell them? The more we know, the more we can display to your audience.

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