Organic Social Media Posting

Utilizing your social media channels every day can seem like a challenge, especially when you’re focusing on serving your customers, patients, and clients. But, we also know how important it is to keep your social media followers up to date with your products and services. It almost seems as though you need to keep one hand on Facebook and the other on your business at all times to be successful. 

Our organic social media posting service can certainly help you get back to focusing on your business. We’ll post your organic content for you! Our social media experts will post content to your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and other social media accounts on a weekly basis, keeping your social media timelines, walls, and boards fresh. 

Let us help take up some of your social media marketing load.

Organic Posts For Your Social Media Pages

One Month - $350

This package provides the following:

  • 3-5 organic posts per week, for 4 weeks, on one of your social media pages.
  • Each post will include a call to action, hashtag optimization, image or video*, and written content not to exceed 250 characters.
  • Reporting of post engagement at the end of the month.

One Year - $3,500

With this package, you’ll get one whole year of weekly organic posting for one social media platform for the price of 10 months. In addition, we will also schedule out posts for all major holidays at no extra charge.


* stock images or images from your website will be used unless you provide us with what you want. We have licensed stock images that we can use if you can’t provide images. Video must be provided by you. If you need marketing videos made for your social media marketing, CLICK HERE.

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