Stress Free Brainstorming

Every great business starts with an exciting idea. Your great ideas are the fuel for your website to get readers excited about your product. However, it can be difficult to filter through all the ideas to get the best posts on your site. We get hung up on google trends, social media presence, and the success of our competition. If you are feeling overwhelmed with all the possibilities here are some tips to stay organized and keep the muse alive.
Go Back to Basics
In the beginning, excitement fueled your business venture. It’s crucial that you keep that thrill alive! The ideas that really drive you are likely to get your readers just as excited. For a moment, forget all of your worries and think back to what got you here. Find that energy that started you off and let it push you forward! If you’re worried you may be experiencing writer’s block take yourself back to what got you excited in the first place. Remember those ideas in the beginning and how they kept you moving forward. Go back to that place. Let that feeling back into your heart and use it to keep you going.
Be a ‘Yes Man’
Treat every idea like it’s a game changer. Let your imagination run with ideas you never thought you would explore. As you dive into all sorts of ideas you may come across exactly what you are looking for. Take a chance and get out of your comfort zone. When gathering your ideas it’s great to build focus groups and teams within your business. At this point in the game- everyone’s opinion matters. Do your best to not shoot down any ideas that are brought to the table. If suggestions are a little off base- help redirect them, but never shut them down. Keep an open mind and you might just find a new spark. Through this process PROCEED WITH CAUTION. The quickest destruction to a great idea is ‘group-think’. At this point in the process, you want to keep things light. Don’t beat every suggestion to death. You can really dig into them later.
Keep a Clear Record
There are many methods to organize a brainstorming process. Use what works for you! Spider graphs, whiteboard notes, and countless apps. I’m a little old-fashioned so my ideas flow best with good ol’ pen and paper. Just be sure that everything- and I mean everything- gets properly documented. You will be immensely grateful for this record once you’re ready for the next steps. As you’re exploring google trends, finding good keywords for your site and worrying about SEO- this record will be your best friend. We at Marketably know how difficult it can be to keep up with the changing demands of internet marketing. We want to help you to never lose the thrill that brought your business to life. Check out our website care plans to see how we can help. If you’re still left with questions please contact us and let us know how we can help!
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